About Us

A Native New York collective with the intention to inspire human healing of the mind , body and spirit. Paying homage to the ancestral ways and spreading light through the Creation of Art , Meditative Yogic Practices , Dance Music Therapy , and the Shamanic use of Plants as Food and Medicine.
Ravi Marwah, is a Hollis Queens, NY native and one of SolWave Collective’s trusted advisors. Named by Dr. Sebi’s eldest son (Asami Bowman) as a “Cosmo Therapist”, Ravi embraces that title with gratitude and works to uphold all that it encompasses. His journey as a healer moved quickly after an experience in LA in 2012 where he felt a physical and spiritual shift calling him to transition to a plant-based diet. He brought back the knowledge and influence to his family, friends, and communities. He continues to promote a plant-based lifestyle as healing medicine to those seeking spiritual counseling. To compliment this movement, Ravi received his Reiki training and attunement in 2016 & 2017 became a certified Kundalini Yoga Intrusctor. Long before than, Ravi has been hosting tea ceremonies for ultimate healing. More recently, he has been connecting with his ancestral roots and continues to study Filipino healing methodology. But his most important role is being a father to his four children. Their influence, as well as his entire family, has inspired him to move the collective forward.
Instagram : @bigravlove
Don James Batalla is a Certified Sivananda Hatha Yoga Teacher and has devoted his practice and the teachings to spread the influence Yoga offers. In 2014 he stumbled upon an Ashram “Spiritual Community” and experienced an expanded awareness of his own consciousness. This one realization affirmed a great number of questions about his purpose.The experience of living in the Ashram became a deep inspiration to bring this awareness to his friends and family. The Yogis state that the only way to change society is like changing a cotton shirt into silk , by changing each thread. Through the teachings of Yoga , the fabric of society is becoming more self aware and conscious of their dharma. It is Don James' life long goal to help cultivate a more peaceful planet.
Instagram : @ganga_dharmaharaj
ATOM NYC, by Adam Batalla, Is an artist that resides in New York but mentally he is everywhere. Adam’s brand is based off everything he sees day to day from his past, present and future. Always looking for inspiration where he can and hoping to inspire people on his journey. On a molecular level ATOMS make up everything and with his brand he hopes to resonate with everything and everyone.
Instagram : @at0mnyc
ALESSEREVIL was founded by native New Yorker , Alejandro “AJ the Barber” Albano, born in Brooklyn and raised in Staten Island from Filipino immigrants. AJ grew up in the 1980’s and 1990’s during what some would call the “Golden Era” and spent most of his time in NY and New Jersey. Exposed to art and design from a young age, he was heavily influenced by fashion, lifestyle, sports and music - more specifically Hip Hop and Soul. Above all, his main influences are his family, Filipino culture and island roots. It is his belief that all things are connected, not necessarily good or bad but one in the same. Moved by this, he founded his streetwear brand “A Lesser Evil” (A.L.E) in 2007, a politically charged medium to express his controversial viewpoints and opinions with designs that promote fun and lightheartedness.A.L.E. (coincidentally the first 3 initials of his first name that he shares with his father) is also an attempt to empathize, have an alternative view, create from a place of abundance, understand and unify without preaching or forcing our beliefs onto others. Most of all, it is taking an oxymoron, applying it to daily life and connecting it to spirituality and the common man; To simply livebetter, be better and live less evil than we did yesterday, individually and collectively.AJ started cutting hair at the age of 13, practicing on his own hair. Not knowing what it would lead to, he is now a trusted and dedicated resident barber at Tuft NYC in the Lower East Side, fulfilling another life long passion and crucial part of his journey.
Instagram : @ajthebarbarian
Joy Jones is a dance artist & a Certified Sivananda Hatha Yoga Teacher born & raised in Houston, Texas. She has been choreographing, training, and teaching in the performance arts professionally since 2014. Joy became a certified yoga instructor August 2023 as a means to dive deeper into yoga philosophy & now shares the tools she was given to the community.
Joy believes movement to be one of the greatest healers and strives to create safe spaces for people to connect with theirselves through dance, yoga, diet, plant medicine, and sound healing.
Instagram: @yojsenoj
DRIP BY FAITH, is a cohesive creative brand by, Faith Lee. Born & Raised in New York. With seeing the power of her name, she pours her spirit into her different mediums of art. By pouring her soul and spirit onto a canvas or any other art forms that she experiments with her goal is to always channel her Grandfathers artistic spirits & talents with others, so that they too can Drip BY Faith.
Instagram : @gottaahavefaith
Universol Foods is a New York plant-based kitchen with native Filipino roots by PlantLab Culinary graduate Oliver Regis. He started the kitchen in the Summer of 2019 as a pop- up shop serving various types of savory platters and traditional sweets. His menu expanded every month and his services have now grown into catering events and food delivery. Universol can be dissected into three definitions. (Uni) for unity and togetherness, (Ver) comes from the Latin root word for truth, (Sol) for the sun and light energy. All which embodies the food offerings that are mindfully curated.
Oliver believes that so much of our culture lives in our food and that we should tap in and connect to that ancestral energy as much as we can. It can bring back childhood memories & echoes unforgettable experiences we have had with loved ones while enjoying the food. Whether it’s our sweet irresistible desserts, our famous lumpia or the party favorite pancit, we have something wholesome for everybody. The physical act of enjoying the food itself most likely lasts only minutes, but the memory linked to that food experience can last a lifetime.
Instagram : @universolfoods
Kevin Batalla, or known by his loved ones as, “KB” from Queens, NY. KB works in the healthcare field and tries to instill positive thoughts and insightful information to change people’s lives. He is empowered by his wife who is a victim of Mental Health issues, she has really inspired and helped formulate Konscious Being. Konscious Being started with the notion of feeling stuck in a mindset of powerlessness. KB, his colleagues & loved ones were exhausted from seeing just how damaging it can be to have the minds of our loved ones and especially ourselves controlled by negative thoughts. That is when they knew they had to take a stand and make a change. A change to better their own lives so they can better the lives around them. This is where he decided to stand up to the negative stigmas of mental health. KB want to lift those that struggle with anxiety, depression and suicidal thoughts. To give them a brand and a name they can count on. Since the beginning Kouncious Being has stood by their mission of Staying Konscious. By Staying Konscious in life want and empower our minds so we can then be the light for others. By infighting the light in others so this message can spread around our world. By staying Konscious in life and wanting to empower our minds, so that we can be the light for others. We want to ignite the light in others so this message can spread to the masses.
Instagram : @konsciousbeing
DJ Getlive, a native New Yorker - born and raised in Jamaica, Queens - works to represent NYC’s deep history of dance & DJ culture within every appearance. Even with mixing sets of the newest waves in music, he draws on the rich legacy provided by the city’s original Hip Hop, Disco, and Sound system DJs. He has shared that healing energy and point of view to international club nights in London, Montreal Tokyo, Manila, and Hong Kong; and to outdoor festivals in Switzerland and Germany. Over the last decade he’s been actively involved in helping to create new community spaces in his own city, including HomeBase (which saw the New York debuts of J.Cole, Miguel, and Wale), Turnt! (where he played alongside new visionaries to OG’s — from Venus X to The Alchemist, and where Missy Elliott to A$AP Mob kicked it) and the infamous NewYork, NewYork parties. Getlive is a founding member of PepperSeed, the plant-based tropical- culture collective and a creative partner in the free-form mixtape project Midnight Rockers Express.
Instagram : @djgetlive
9th Sage , San Diego born but Houston raised, Edward Skinner a.k.a. 9th Sage has learned to appreciate the diversity in music throughout his life. From a young age, Sage has been in love with music and the way it makes him feel and get through life. Music is universal and Sage uses the connection we have to music to spread unity and his personal beliefs towards genuinely bringing people together to be free & build together.
Instagram : @ninthsage.co